Lemonade Days~Finding the Sweetness in the Simplest Ways

Lemonade Days~Finding the Sweetness in the Simplest Ways

On Tuesday mornings, before going to work I say, “Today is Lemonade Day!” and everyone perks up. It is a tradition we look forward to each week. The young woman at the gas station knows when we come in, it is our treat day. It is also nice to see a friendly face each week to say hi to on our stop home.

Lemonade Days started a few years ago. The boys and I were coming home from work and school on a Tuesday. I said, “How about we stop for lemonade?”, at the gas station near our home. It was a hot, August day and we all needed a refreshing treat. The next week, I asked the boys if they wanted to get a lemonade and it was a Tuesday again. I asked the boys if they wanted Tuesday to become Lemonade Day each week and they happily agreed.

Lemonade Day started as something unplanned…just an idea for a bright spot on a routine day. Mondays are back to the grind…work, school and tennis practice. Wednesdays are the middle of the week days that mark the halfway point. Thursday is Friday Eve with Boy Scouts and occasionally Bunco. Friday…or as we call it FriYay, kicks off the weekend. Fridays we have coined, “I don’t care FriYays!” When we come home from school and work on Friday afternoons, we put on our comfy clothes. The boys get extra technology time, I create in my art room and we chillax in the evening watching tv. Tuesdays are that inbetween day, that we have a special treat in the midst of our busy week.

Creating on FriYay!

It’s important to look for ways to sweeten our routine. Last week, my computer had to be replaced, the TV wasn’t working and our phones were not cooperating. The blog post couldn’t be written last week and trying to figure out the cause of the technical difficulties was frustrating. There are moments in our lives where we have to create events or things to brighten the not so sweet times. When we were dealing with the computer, TV and phones our oldest son said “Mom, don’t forget about Lemonade Day”…as it was Tuesday. It was a reminder of perspective that if things don’t go as planned, we can look for a bright spot to shine on our day.

Comfy Clothes and Uno!

May we find ways or outlets to seek opportunities to find joy in the small things. It can be treating yourself on a routine day. Sending someone a note, a text or a small gift can show joy to others. Look for ways to brighten your week as a celebration and share the sweetness with others!

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