Finding Beauty in The Season of Change

Finding Beauty in The Season of Change

Fall has quickly transformed the leaves on the trees. The hues of red, orange and yellow are bountiful in color. The rainbow of leaves reminds me of of the brightness of colors. Sometimes the leaves swirl with the brisk breeze. At other times, the leaves seem to float down to the ground. We have those moments where things swirl around in the day to day. Some days we seem to float more than others. When I am outside, I look up towards the tall trees and think how small I am compared to them. They tower over in size and puts things in perspective. At times, the days run together. When I pause and look up or around at things, it brings a peace.

Lately, I have been playing basketball with a few students. While shooting hoops and talking through about our day, one student said, “Mrs. B, look at that tree over there. It didn’t look like that yesterday.” I stood there for a minute and thought in the busyness, I didn’t notice the change in colors in one day. Change can be fast while at other times slow or appearing to be slow. As we continued to shoot hoops, he shared, “You should take a picture of the tree each time we play basketball and at the end of the season you can print them and we can see how the leaves have changed.” I pondered and thought it was a good idea. My phone now has pictures of the beautiful tree changing  over the course of a few days.

It’s important to look back at the changes we experience. Sometimes change is wanted and at other times we have to accept change. We see the path we were on and view our journey in the small changes, big changes and at times no change…which is difficult. The past few years, there has been changes in my life: experiencing loss, writing, creating, taking each day step by step, and starting a wonderful new job. 

As the leaves shine through with their rainbow of colors, may we be a rainbow of care to others. May we seek to see the beauty of the season. When things swirl in the day to day or gracefully just are, may we look around and have a perspective of just being present.

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