The Next Small Thing in Starting again

The Next Small Thing in Starting again

I have heard of writers taking a break or a sabbatical from writing. Taking a break from writing was something I didn’t think I would do, as writing was part of my weekly routine. However, the past several months I took a break from writing to reflect on how and if I wanted to continue writing. The purpose of my writing journey started as a piece of our healing journey after losing Hope. The initial posts focused on grief and finding the joy in each day. As time progressed, the posts were written to be a source of encouragement.

Each week, I shared a post on Sundays via Facebook and on my website. Social media can be a great tool when used for good. For instance, I enjoy learning new ideas on YouTube, reading for personal growth on-line and participating in on-line learning groups. When writing, the goal was not to get a number of followers or likes. Striving for numbers and likes is temporal. The connections I made through writing, the kind compliments of something that spoke to a reader and the encouragement to continue to write, were worth more than a thumbs up like or a huge number of followers.

As we approach the new year, I decided I am going to continue to write posts more frequently. It is an outlet that allows myself to grow and reflect. I hope the posts will be an encouragement small ways. As a result, the time off from writing allowed myself to refocus and realize how much I enjoy writing. Thank you for your support and for the kind words shared. Kindness matters each day and in every way.

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